Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Can't We Not Be Sober?

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (and a lot warmer), I had the pleasure of being introduced to the phenomenon that is fine wine by a rather spectacular friend of mine (MICHY!!!).  I don't doubt we were drinking anything more than Two Buck Chuck at the time but it was delicious and started me down a long twisty road of wine tasting and collecting.  Together we've wine tasted in Napa Valley and Temecula and I've gone up to Chelan several times to check out what Washington has to offer.  Which makes it surprising that the one item I really have NOT craved or desired while doing the Whole30 diet is wine (or beer).  Not that I was a huge drinker prior to the diet but I just figured I'd miss the occasional glass of wine with dinner. 

This past weekend, I checked out a punk show put on by a couple of local bands up in Cashmere.  It was at the Pioneer House and, once the music got going and the kids started dancing, really reminded me of my college days and nights spent at the Nile. (Which is apparently now "world famous" - I can be proud to say I was there when it all started.)  So even though nearly everyone in attendance had a beer or two in hand, I didn't ever think once that I really wanted a drink.  (Unlike when someone eats pizza in front of me and it takes all of my willpower not to kick him in the kneecaps and steal the pizza....)  The even stranger thing is that although tomorrow is my very last day on the diet, it's not a glass of wine that I'm looking forward to the most.  In fact, if someone said you can either (1) eat tortilla chips or (2) have a Hop, Skip n Go Naked, I'd totally pick Option 1.  I just don't have the urge to drink.  But, um...   tortilla chips.  Mmm......

I'm working on getting a bunch of my recipes and resources put together since my diet has generated a little bit of buzz through the hospital and friends on Facebook.  I basically talked to other friends and Googled the crap out of the diet.  Some of it is already here on the blog, some of it is tucked away in that special place that is my brain and I ought to get it out of there before it goes missing.

Day 25 - I put my new found cooking skills to the test by having company over.  I made the spicy beef lettuce wraps but turned it into a salad instead of wraps.  I didn't poison TB so I guess it was a success.  Checked out the Eastmont High School's production of Little Shop of Horrors after dinner and it was awesome.  There's some serious talent at that school. 

Days 26, 27 - Nothing exciting to eat on these days although I made a double batch of curry using the red curry paste for the first time. I also used my mini cookie cutters when I chopped up my bell peppers so I had little red hearts and green trees in the curry.  Sometimes I just amaze myself with my awesomeness.  Ha!

WCotD = Definitely NOT Mustard Greens.  Whoever thought it'd be a good idea to eat that crap, ought to be shot.  Pizza.  Definitely pizza. 

This video reminds me of the Friday and Saturday nights spent at the Atomic Cafe. 

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