Friday, July 23, 2010

I Done Did It.

My goals going into the 2010 ChelanMan Multisport Weekend were to (1) finish the triathlon and (2) not drown, fall or trip while accomplishing Goal #1.  I'm completely over the moon to to be able to report that I accomplished both goals.  I'm a little less happy about reporting that a 72-year-old man beat my overall time by at least 10 minutes.  Give me a minute while I scrape my ego up off on the pavement...

Some of the ladies that competed with me this past weekend.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Better Late Than Never

I meant to start this blog back in March 2010 when I started running races and training for my first triathlon.  I'm five days away from that triathlon so you can see how well I am at blogging; Sunday will show you how good I am at training.  I'm not freaking out (much).  I've assured my mother than I cannot drown (only due to the shallow water that I'm swimming in, not due to my talent as a swimmer and strategic placement of men in kayaks).  My bike tires have air in them (for a change) and as long as I don't encounter any Seattle-sized hills in the run, I should end up at the finish line more or less in the middle of the pack.  Maybe.  Hopefully.  Is it too late to reserve an oxygen tank?