Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Walking Contradiction

I've always maintained that I can't cook.  There are very few occasions that I have not managed to set off the fire alarm when "cooking".  I've set a stove (and the kitchen wall) on fire making popcorn.  I've sliced and diced various parts of my body with sharp knives.  I've dumped a can of hot oil down the front of me.  I'm sure there's quite a few other disasters but I seem to have blocked them from my memory to protect the innocent. 

That all seems to have changed with the Whole30 diet.  No, not the disasters...  Those still happen (sliced my finger on Day 1, burnt my kale chips on Day 15).  The ability to cook.  I am actually enjoying cooking.  Alert the media!!  I find myself in the kitchen aisle looking at gadgets to make my culinary experience that much more enjoyable.  I bought an apple corer - not the slick corer/peeler/slicer that my mom has, just a manual shove-it-down-on-the-apple thing (it's in Kitchen-Aid red, one of my favorite colors).  Those straws I bought at IKEA three years ago are now finally getting used with the slushies and smoothies I'm making using the Magic Bullet blending system.  I learned what a Dutch Oven is - can't find one cheap to buy but I know what it is!!  I'm copying recipes out of magazines and books.  I've bought a WHOLE chicken. 

Perhaps after a while of cooking and spending time in the kitchen, I'll learn to pay attention to where my fingers are at all times and remember that there's something cooking on the stove before I wander off and ...  squirrel!!  I am the Domestic Disaster. Bwahahahaha!!

Just don't let the guys know I enjoy cooking now... I'll never get out of the kitchen!!

Day 10 - nothing exciting here... I didn't actually eat much last week due to being sick.  I did make a baked banana dish to take to the Bling Session.  I wasn't sure about mixing lemons and bananas but it was tasty.  I imagine mushing it up and using it as a filling in a cupcake or a layer in a cake.

Day 11 - Date night included dinner out at a lovely little Mexican restaurant.  I had chicken fajitas without the tortillas and sour cream.  Poor waitress probably thought I was crazy.  We went to the movies (saw I Am Number Four) and I didn't even have a craving for Red Vines or nachos.

Day 12 - I made a meat spaghetti sauce using a bottle of organic, Whole30 approved, Italian Herb sauce, threw in some minced garlic, chopped onions and organic meat.  For "noodles", I sliced up some zucchini and grilled it on the George Foreman grill.  Turned out yummy and filling.  Kept me going through the disaster that was me snowboarding Saturday night.  TB was brave enough to head to the Ridge with me.  Out of the 6 or seven runs we did, I only managed to get off the lift once without falling at some point.  The 5th or 6th fall was rather spectacular and I managed to take TB out with me much to Chels and Mistaya's amusement.  I have a collection of bruises and cuts to remember the evening by.  I struggled a bit when we were in the Lodge listening to music and hanging out.  The girls had Bailey's and coco and a huge amount of whipped cream while TB had a bacon cheeseburger.  I ate grapes and walnuts and sipped on my chamomile tea.  Mmm....  Or not.

Day 13 - Leftovers for lunch/dinner of the spaghetti sauce (even more delicious on Day 2) and a Whole30 smoothie made by Carrie which prompted me to buy the Magic Bullet blending system.  To be fair, I've been eyeing one of these for ages and finally decided to take the plunge since I'm having all this cooking fun.  Used my new apple corer to take apple slices to the Volleyball game with me where I proceeded to get hit in the nose, the chin and the knee.  Domestic Disaster, indeed.

Day 14 - I finally went back to work and faithfully packed a sack lunch only to be sent back home again.  I bought a spaghetti squash thinking it would be kind of like a zucchini but it was not.  Really was not.  So my attempt at having big slices of "noodles" with the very last of the spaghetti sauce didn't really pan out but now I know.  I also ate half of a HUGE red grapefruit.  The sucker cost me $3 and was a real b!#ch to peel but very tasty, not as sour as the little ones. 

WCotD = bread and okra.  Finally at least one of my cravings is for something that I can actually eat.  Sadly, okra is not in season right now.  I bet if I was near a Trader Joe's, they'd have some okra.  Bring a Trader Joe's to Wenatchee, WA!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. It makes me smile. You crack me up.
