Well, healthy eating apparently doesn't keep the creepy crud away. Nothing spectacular, just a little virus that is spreading like wildfire through the area. Another few days and I should be right as rain. Sara had it first (thanks!!) and suggested I take Wellness Formula. She swears by them. My first thoughts after I got over the sticker shock were (1) good golly, horse pills!!! and (2) What.Is.That.Smell?! I bought the tablet version so I only have to take three of these suckers every three hours. There are a lot of things in the ingredient list that aren't Whole30 but in the interest of getting healthy again in time for the weekend, I'm going to view this as a necessary evil and not technically cheating.
Last night, I baked up some of the Kale Chips I mentioned a few days ago. I might have a new favorite crispy treat. It reminded me so much of the crispy seaweed dish that I used to get every time my roommate Natalie and I went and ate at the noodle shop in Greenwich (UK). Yummy and quick to make. I might have to find some seaweed...
Nothing exciting on the food front since my appetite has gone the way of the wind with the sickness. Eating mostly fruit and drinking lots of fluids.
WCotD = PB&J - just couldn't stop thinking about it!
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