Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's the Final Countdown

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....

This is it folks.  Today is my last day on the Whole30 diet.  I have less than 10 hours to go.

It probably seems like I'm super anxious to get off the diet but in reality I'm not.  I'm looking forward to having Jenni make me a mocha in the morning over our coffee stand conversations instead of that black Americano.  I'm looking forward to wine tasting at Taste Buds next week as part of the Wenatchee Wine Week.  I'm looking forward to a host of other little things that I took for granted prior to February 8, 2011 (the official start of Whole30 for me).  But, since I've actually enjoyed all of the various meals and snacks that I've made for myself over the past 30 days, I don't see myself straying too far off of the Whole30 path for the foreseeable future.

There's been a few disasters along the way.  I have to mention the mustard green debacle again because it really was gross.  Last night, Chelsea and I tried to make a Whole30 PB&J sans peanut butter and bread.  I basically dumped some almond butter into a bowl and mushed in some fresh blueberries.  Not quite the miracle that is a normal PB&J - there's just something about almond butter.  Cutting my finger pretty bad during the first week and burning my kale chips (which I did a couple of times last week - must remember to set the timer!!).

There's been some amazing successes.  Getting comfortable in the kitchen.  Cooking yummy stuff that other people wouldn't realize is really healthy for them unless I told them.  Losing nearly 10lbs.  Feeling healthy.

Tomorrow, I'm celebrating Day 31 with a group of good friends and that is what I'm looking forward to the most.  Not the tortilla chips (mmm.....) but all of us heading up to Leavenworth for good food and good conversation.

I would definitely do the diet again.  I'd actually like to do it again and cut out caffeine entirely since that is most likely the reason that I did not see the change in my energy levels that other individuals reported.  But that is probably going to have to wait until after the big projects at work are over and done with.

Here's to healthy eating and feeling good about yourself!  And to tortilla chips.  It's the simple pleasures in life.

Day 28 - I had homemade spaghetti for lunch and a bunch of fruit for snacks throughout the day.  Red curry for dinner with wilted mustard greens (GROSS) and kale chips (YUM).

Day 29 - More of the same, leftover spaghetti for lunch, fruit, almonds and curry for dinner tonight.

WCotD = PB&J.  My coworker busted out a PB&J Lara Bar and I started drooling immediately.

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